Sunday, April 11, 2010

April Showers

Lying here on this lazy, stormy Sunday I am contemplating how I am to find time and space to create more work. My life at this moment is in "transition". I am currently renting a lovely room in a flat occupied by four other people, none of whom are painters. Painting in oils in my space is out of the question, so I have resorted to painting outside. There is a sense that I am a bit of an oddity in this household of extremely nice people, all of whom are involved in some facet of holistic health. A yoga instructor, a therapist, and students of Chinese medicine and massage therapy. I have been offered free acupuncture treatments which I am ecstatic about! Everyone here has been nicer than I had expected, but I do not think the fumes of oil paints would be enjoyed nor appreciated.

I seized the opportunity the other afternoon of zero appointments and sunshine to paint outside. In the company of at least four neighborhood kitties and a massive amount of Calla Lillies I set up my paints, brushes and canvases on a makeshift table in the backyard of our Haight-Ashbury flat. I began a series of mini, five by five inch paintings last year. I have drawn inspiration from botany, the flow of plants and somewhat of a bright, Pop-like palette. Generally I create a pair, but as a whole each small painting works with the others. These are number thirteen and fourteen, "Orange Incubo" and "Flutter Orange" . I find these patterns to be very easy on my eyes.

I had to finish after a few hours as my sandaled feet were numb from the marine chill whipping over Golden Gate Park into our hood. I don't know if the kitties have exactly accepted my intrusion into their garden but I am hoping that they will eventually warm up to me. Our weather has not been very Spring-like, but typical for San Francisco. Sunny but chilly. Outdoor painting is best done in warmer weather which I am hoping for.


  1. Nice complimentary composition. : )

  2. Thanks Ethan. These are pretty bright!

  3. :-) I think that Phaedra wants these for her birthday! She has been dropping not such subtle hints:P
